Tuesday 9 September 2014

This Wonderful Current.

I write best on lack of sleep, but I just took a lovely two-hour afternoon nap, so you must excuse me for my thoughts escape my grasp a little here and there.

And so- it is the second day of classes, and I have somehow or other survived. I've found my classes, and been on time. Even if it meant speed-walking to my dorm and back in-between intervals to quickly drop textbooks off and pick up new ones- eating a reese's peanut butter cup along the way.
 I've met enough people in this short, just-over-a-week period to make your head spin. Names and years and majors are thrown about easily, and just as easily forgotten. But hey, at least you've made an acquaintance, and when you pass them in the hallway next you can wave and say "hey!"- and that's all that matters.
It's insane though, that you can meet this many people, and still enter a room to search in vain for a familiar face. It's a huge place I tell you- this school. And while that fact is a little overwhelming, and sometimes crushingly overwhelming... It's spectacular. It's thrilling. It's just so-so cool.

I still wake up every morning and have that "where am I?" moment. And suddenly I remember I'm at college, where I have a 7:30 AM class, and I have to get up and be presentable and talk to people. Every. day.

But, much as I fear the piles of assignments and readings and due dates piling up on my imaginary desk. And much as all this 'people stuff' makes me unsure of myself. Much as all that, and any other troubles I may have... I wouldn't be anywhere else in the whole world for all the world. I have moments when I doubt the accuracy of that statement. But oh-so-many moments when my heart thrills with gratefulness, and the fact that I. am. here.

To sum it all up. To say what I mean to say, really. To say the truth of it all;
I have made an incredible amount of amazing friends here, and am still meeting so many new people everyday. I have survived registration and the first hours of all my classes with nary a scratch. I've been blessed by rainbows in the sky, by the powerful music, by the preaching, by delicious (and not so) meals, the beautiful campus, the comfort and atmosphere of the dorms. All of this craziness of college life, and waking up to fill a schedule, live a life nothing close to any I've lived before. All-all-all of this. I sit, and I see it happening before my eyes. Barely lifting a finger, but praying and begging and trusting God to be with me, to help me. And He is, and wow! 

It's not perfect over here... But it is wonderful.