Hey there.

I'm Renae.

Just a girl on the cusp of growing up, being thrown into a chaotic world of change. I'm trying to keep my balance and my head above the waves, but more than that, I'm seeking the pale pinks and flaming oranges of the sunrise reflection on the water, I'm seeking the seagull's graceful glide through the air above my head. You see, I want more than just to live. I want to live.

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all."

And I'm going on an adventure, and right now that adventure is Bible college thousands of miles across the country away from the home where I've grown up. And I'm tingling from head to toe with nervousness and thrillingness and excitement - greeting this adventure of mine day by day, moment by moment, joy by joy.

For further information, just stick around, I promise it won't be boring.

Cue music. 

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