Tuesday 13 January 2015


"I remember working at the distribution center. In my big, clunky shoes and ill fitting jeans and hair pulled blandly into a side pony-tail. But with a mind that more often than not was way high up in the clouds. I remember walking across a busy warehouse full of noise and confusion and tired people and almost being surprised I couldn't hear the click of my heels and the swish of my delicate rose-hued gown (imaginary).

And, well, you know, it's not really our circumstances or surroundings- but our spirit, our courage, and our optimism that makes the difference. And sometimes tinkling earrings, and sometimes red nails, and sometimes just a different pair of shoes is enough to make a day a wonderful adventure."

1 comment:

  1. This is a good reminder :-)
    Thanks Renae! You are a wise lady.
