Wednesday 21 January 2015

You Yourself Have Altered.

"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered."

--Nelson Mandela

Forgive me, my macbook's front-facing camera is about as good as my laziness will allow me to get at this moment. But this is life, right now, new plaid skirts and sparkly sweaters-- the light from my window the only sunshine I really bother to get-- and strong consolations I find in God's word and am clinging to, positive I will need them presently.

You know what, forget it. I was going to wax eloquent in writing, but I'm pretty sure my fingers and brain have forgotten how to write properly. So let's just vlog what I really wanted to say, shall we?


  1. Did you say that if I'm on your vlog, I'm cool? CUZ YAY, VALIDATION! Ahahahah! I'm COOL!!

    Also, yay, nice vlog :) Vlogs are FUN. I'm excited for youuuu, being an adult is scary right? Don't worry, you'll have so much fun! and NICE QUOTE.

  2. Yay I'm cool too.
    LOL. Renae I am also a kid when I go home :-) I love going home and being a kid. :-) Even staying in my pajama's all day.
    I like going to work and earning money, and being all mature and doing adult things like going to business dinners ... but at the same time, little me just wants to eat icecream and lick it messily !!
    Enjoy the weirdness of life :-) in all its weirdness in just being who are authentically.. being vulnerable and not being afraid to feel even "bad" emotions like fear or doubt... because we can know that God will continue teaching us and showing us His way :-) enjoy college !! You'll do great!!

  3. the dutch plural after a vowel has an apostrophe... such as baby = baby's ... so forgive me on the pajama's typo... forgot its english :-) pajama is also pajama in dutch, pronounced "pa-ya-mas"
