Sunday 24 August 2014

When I Close My Eyes.

We’re on our way across the country, and we stop at a rest area to get a little bite to eat, and take little bit of a breath of fresh air. But for me, all I needed was to stop for the view. Oh, but I’ve never felt more free- I’ve never been more happy! There were times, as I worked this past year, that I would stop and close my eyes, and imagine myself far away- wind on my face, wings on my heart. Some place else than where I was, with sweat on my face and toil, toil, toil encompassing my life. I never knew quite where it was my heart flew when I closed my eyes thus. But now I know- it’s right here. Where the hills roll and the fields are oceans of corn, where the dusky grey mountains silhouette against a blue, blue sky. Where I can see my future before me, like an uncovered mine of buried hopes and dreams- growing up into tangible excitement and adventures before my very eyes.

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